The Association of Angel Fire Property Owners (AAFPO) was formed in 1995 as a successor to the Property Owners Association (POA) by the Bankruptcy Court when the current owners of Angel Fire Resort gained ownership through the bankruptcy proceedings. In the Bankruptcy documents and agreements, AAFPO is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the relationship between the Resort and the Angel Fire Property Owners, particularly in regards to the Property Owners’ dues payments and the use of amenities.
The Amenities of which the Owners have guaranteed use and maintenance through the dues structure are specifically listed in the bankruptcy documents.
In addition, AAFPO is charged with the enforcement of the various restrictive covenants of the subdivision within the Angel Fire Resort through its sub-committee, the Angel Fire Environmental/Architectural Control Committee which reviews all building plans in the Resort to make sure that the plans meet all the requirements of the restrictive covenants as well as restrictions on tree cutting and lot clearing.
All buildings, additions, etc. must be approved by AFEACC prior to the start of clearing or construction. In short, AAFPO protects your property rights, your use of amenity rights and your property values.
AAFPO is an all volunteer organization made up of fellow property owners in good standing (current in dues payment) as elected to the AAFPO Board of Directors by all other Angel Fire Property Owners in good standing at the Annual Meeting in June.
All members may request to inspect the records of AAFPO: Click here to request. Member Request to Inspect