Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 5:30pm (Angel Fire Time)
Or call in (audio only) +1 323-792-6282,,543694939#
Phone Conference ID: 543 694 939#
Roll Call: (establish a quorum)
Kim May | Rick Clark |
Wade Gungoll | Bruce Roach |
David Simon | Samantha Weeks |
Kristen Devin | Holly Ham |
Mark Manley | Penni Davey |
- Approval of Agenda MAY (1 minute)
- Approval of Minutes from May 12, 2022 Meeting MAY (1 minute)
- Committee Reports (7 minutes)
- a. Architectural Committee CRAIN (5 minutes)
- b. Amenities ROACH (5 minutes)
- i. Key entry systems for tennis courts
- ii. Additional allocation for golf paths
- c. Legal GUNGOLL (5 minutes)
- i. Lawsuit update
- d. Finance Committee CLARK (5 minutes)
- Lawsuit GRIEBEL (10 minutes)
- AAFPO counsel discussion of Order of Dismissal
- SB150 Disclosure Certification Fee MAY (5 minutes)
- Executive Director
- Update and discuss forming a search committee MAY (5 minutes)
- Member Questions (10 minutes)
- Adjourn
Next Meeting Date: June 25, 2022 at 11am Angel Fire time